Saturday, May 10, 2008

Pay For Alternative Medicine

Health Savings Accounts allow you to set up a tax-deductible account to pay for medical expenses that are not covered by your health insurance. These include expenses to cover your deductible, and other medical expenses like dental and eyeglasses. But many don't realize that HSA funds can be used to pay for virtually any type of medical service, as long as it pertains to the treatment or prevention of a specific health condition.

Because money withdrawn from a health savings account to pay medical expenses is tax-free, anyone who has an HSA can funnel all alternative medical expenses through their HSA and get a tax write-off. This could include biofeedback, naturopathy, Ayurvedic medicine, aromatherapy, magnetic healing, reflexology, and the list goes on.

People who use complementary therapies are often very health conscious, and go to traditional physicians less often. So it does not make sense for them to be paying a high premium for a traditional health insurance plan with a co-pay, particularly when their medical treatments are not covered anyway. Instead, many are choosing a low cost high-deductible HSA plan.

Alternative Therapies Becoming Mainstream

Many hospitals are now offering complementary treatments. The website for the Memorial Sloan-Keating Cancer Center states that complementary therapies are used to "help alleviate stress, reduce pain and anxiety, manage symptoms, and promote a feeling of well-being."

Some group health insurance plans are beginning to cover more complementary expenses, but there is still very little coverage for these expenses in individual or family plans. Those that cover chiropractic limit coverage to 12 - 20 visits per year, and a few will cover a limited amount of acupuncture. But very few if any cover hypnotherapy, Reiki, iridology, or faith healers.

Why Complementary Medicine

The conventional medicine practiced by most MDs is called allopathic medicine. The philosophy of this system is to treat disease and injury using counteractive methods. For instance, if you have a fever you may take aspirin to make it go down, if your cholesterol is elevated you may take a statin to reduce it, if you have heartburn you may take an antacid. The thinking is mostly focused on removing the symptoms of disease, and the primary treatment modalities are surgery and prescription drugs.

But there are other ways to look at things. Naturopathic medicine is based on the belief in the body's own healing powers, which can be strengthened through the use of certain foods, vitamins, herbs, or other "natural" treatments. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is based on ancient Chinese theories about the balance of yin and yang. Ayurvedic medicine is based on principles of movement, metabolism, and structure.

Part of the growing use of complementary therapies is a reaction to the costs, side effects, and philosophy of conventional allopathic medicine. Physicians get much of their continuing education from the pharmaceutical industry, and they work in an environment where the insurers and the patients are both looking for a quick fix. The result is that the average 60 year old is now taking 5 regular medications, yet there is little expectation that those drugs will ever cure the health problems for which they're being used. Many consumers see this, and instead are using other methods to try to get to the root of their illness.

What is Considered an "HSA Qualified Expenses"

Qualified medical expenses have been partially defined in IRS Publication 502, and through various federal court rulings. There is no definitive list, but there are really very few restrictions as long as the procedure is for the treatment or prevention of a specific health condition. For instance, you could not use your HSA funds to pay for a relaxing massage for your own personal pleasure. But if your doctor recommends you get a massage for specific medical reasons, this is considered a qualified expense. Yoga would not normally be considered a qualified medical expense, but it would be if it was recommended as a physical therapy following some sort of accident.

Some may question why the government would give a tax deduction for someone to use some crazy energy vibration machine to cure their cancer. But this is as it should be. No one but you should be able to decide what type of treatment you will use for your own illnesses. By empowering individuals to manage their health as they see fit, Health Savings Accounts encourage personal responsibility and help loosen the monopoly on healthcare that conventional medicine has had for the past few decades.

How To Pay Off Accounts In Collections

Next to bankruptcy, having an account in collections is the worst entry you can have on your credit report. It will lower your score, and make it difficult- if not impossible- to obtain new credit. Creditors realize that if you have an account in collections that it went unpaid for a long period of time, and it makes them fear that if they lent you money they would not receive payments on time, either. Once you have an account in collections, your goal is to improve your credit and get the collections accounts deleted, or at the very least, updated on the credit report to say "Paid as agreed", "Current", or "Settled".

The damage is done the moment the account is reported as being in collections. Before you pay off that collection account, you want to negotiate with the debt collector to have the credit report updated to one of the more favorable notations, as described above. You do not want to deal with the nightmare that many people face because they didn't negotiate with the creditor and get the intention in writing for the update of your credit report- some people have paid accounts off that are in collections and their credit report is not updated. For at least seven years after the account is paid off; the individuals end up having problems getting new credit because the account still appears in negative status on the credit report.

The Best Scenario for You

The best you can hope for in terms of improving your credit is to have the collector delete the account from your credit report entirely. Send a "pay for delete" letter to the collector, and offer a settlement payment that you will pay them in exchange for the deletion of the account from your credit report. Get the collectors response in writing before you make a payment, to be sure you have proof of the arrangement in the event they don't follow through with their end of the bargain.

If you prefer to call the debt collector, you chance being recorded saying something that can be used against you in a judgement case. You'll want to get the agreement from the collector in writing anyway, so it's a good idea to do this in writing anyway.

Debt collectors do not have to remove accurate entries from your credit report, even if you offer a settlement, so not all debt collectors will agree to this scenario.

Second Best Scenario for You

There are a number of collectors who will hold out in hopes of getting the payment in full and will refuse to delete the account from your credit report in exchange for a settlement (less than amount owed) payment. If this is your situation, you'll have to offer to pay the full amount to get the collector to delete the account from your credit history report.

Not as Good, But Acceptable!

There are some collectors who simply refuse to remove an entry from your credit report, even when you've made payment. You would then want to get the collector to agree to update the notation to "Paid in Full"; whether you make a settlement payment or the full amount.

Unfortunately, a number of collectors won't report it as "paid in full" if you settle. If you get the debt collector to agree to a settlement payment, but not "paid in full", it would still be acceptable and better than your current situation to have the account reflect "Paid- Settled" on your credit report. It will not result in an instant, huge boost in your credit score, but it is certainly better than the situation you're in now (having the account in collections) and is the best alternative if you can't get it deleted or marked "Paid in full" for making a partial payment. (If you have the money to pay the account in full, do it because the notation on your credit report for an account paid in full is much better for you over the long term!)